TC Sub-Courthouse Native Plant Demo Garden
SW Sub_Courthouse Native Plant Garden

Tarrant County Southwest Sub-Courthouse is located on Granbury Rd. a few miles south of SW Loop 820. The Demonstration Garden is on the left as you drive into the parking lot from Granbury Road.

The garden is currently maintained by members of the Tarrant County Master Gardener Association, Cross Timbers Master Naturalists, and the North Central Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas for the purpose of educating the public about native plants that can be used in the urban landscape.

This project always welcomes new volunteers!

Project Lead: Jolene Sherwin and Phyllis Stahle
Contact Info: In Membership Directory
Workdays: Second Saturday & Fourth Wednesday
Time: 9:00 am in Winter; 8:00 in Summer
Location: 6539 Granbury Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76133
TCMGA Activity Code: Demonstration Gardens